Fran Canete

Full Stack Software Engineer | Manchester, UK

Crafting exceptional, client-focused web applications with React, TypeScript, JavaScript, Node.js, and SQL (PostgreSQL).

Passionate about pushing digital boundaries for immersive online experiences! 🌐🚀

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An Introduction to TypeScript - Understanding Basic Data Types



Explore TypeScript's data types through step-by-step examples for a solid understanding.

Using useState with TypeScript — Efficient State Management in React



Learn how to use useState with TypeScript for efficient state management in React, ensuring type safety and better code reliability.

Start Building with NodeJS and TypeScript — A Step-by-Step Starter Guide



A simple and straightforward starting point for building a Node.js application using TypeScript

Building a REST API with Node.js and Express



This guide provides a step-by-step process for building a REST API using Node.js and Express, including connecting to a database, handling authentication and authorization, and handling errors. It serves as a useful starting point for anyone looking to create their own API.

Using React Query for Fetching and Caching Data and State Management



React Query is a powerful library that simplifies data and state management in React applications. It provides easy-to-use hooks for fetching and caching data, handling errors, and keeping the UI in sync with the data.

Using Tailwind CSS on Nextjs



Next JS is an open-source framework based on React JS owned by Vercel. On this post, we will see how we can use Tailwind CSS on Next JS.

Nextjs 13 - What's New and How to Get Started



Vercel just released a new version called Next.js 13 with more developer-friendly features than ever. Next.js is a framework that allows you to build server-side applications using React JS.

How to Start an Online Business - Your Step-by-Step Guide



Starting your own online business can be a profitable and rewarding endeavor, but learning how to start an online business is a bit of a task in itself. Let's take a look at what the steps to starting an online business are so that your business can be as successful as possible.